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LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!  That is what proprietors David and Evelyn Brown experienced when they first saw this beautiful Eden on the Olympic Peninsula while traveling with relatives from Seattle.  Their 5-year search for property to build a Bed & Breakfast ended when they discovered this breathtaking sight on the banks of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. 

Born and raised in the Phoenix, Arizona, the Browns life experiences took them to Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1980 where for 23 years they developed, then sold several businesses.  Seeking a new entrepreneurial venture, the Browns dream from 1995 to 2001 was to live on the water somewhere in the USA as owners and operators of a Bed & Breakfast. This dream became a reality when the Browns purchased this Port Angeles property on Finn Hall Road in March of 2000.  Plans began for the future home-site of Eden by the Sea, and what the proprietors intend to host as a unique  “Bed & Breakfast Experience.”

This quiet Eden will draw guests to its peaceful banks to enjoy the beauties of nature, the comfort of a warm and friendly home setting, luscious food and proprietors whose delight is to “serve.”

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