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Eden Views Eden Grounds Eden Gourmet Points of Interest

Points of Interest

From snow-capped mountains, festivals and beautiful beaches, to mystic rain forests, hidden fishing coves and seasonal port events, the Olympic Peninsula holds many enchanting experiences for the curious traveler.  Here are just a few for you to peruse when planning your vacation schedule.

The Sequim Lavender Festival

The Sequim Irrigation Festival

The Juan de Fuca Festival

Olympic Peninsula Beaches

Hurricane Ridge

Lake Crescent

Wildlife Refuge & Dungeness Spit

Dungeness Lighthouse & Ediz Hook

The Hoh Rain Forrest

Neah Bay

Butchart Gardens

Victoria Canada

Sequim Aire Market

Golf Courses



Bird Watching

Rafting and Kayaking

Bed, Breakfast And Biking: Biking and Hiking vacations are becoming more popular than ever. Here is a handy helper - your guide to Bed, Breakfast and Biking ("The Bike/Hike Guide")


For more information about our scenic peninsula and how to plan your trip, visit the websites below.

Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce

Sequim Chamber of Commerce

Sequim Visitor Information

Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce

Port Townsend Visitor Information

Forks Chamber of Commerce

Upcoming Events

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